Tips to Become a Top Gamer

Posted on Jul 19, 2024

Tips to Become a Top Gamer

Video games have come a long way since the 1970s. There may have already been competitions held in arcades back then but it was nothing like the competitive gaming scene that we know of today. Esports has become a multi-billion dollar industry with the best gamers paid as handsomely as more traditional sports stars.

The biggest esports tournaments and events attract larger audiences than the Super Bowl and are followed just as avidly by the best Vegas betting sites and the dedicated gaming media. Gaming is big business and becoming a professional is a valid – and definitely much-coveted – career path.

But, just like those traditional sports, everyone thinks that they could be a pro and play games for a living. That isn’t the case, of course, but if you do have a little talent and regularly win when it comes to playing with your friends, then maybe you should take a look at our tips for making the most out of your gaming abilities.

Pick Your Game #

It is perfectly understandable when you just want to relax that you play all kinds of games and pick whatever you fancy when it feels right. But, if you are contemplating making a career out of gaming, you will need to start thinking about dedicating your time to just one title.

You can always dabble and dip into other games but the title that you are best at should be the one that you play most often. You could choose an up-and-coming title in the hope that you get in at the beginning when there are fewer players. But we think you should stick with an established game and build up your abilities.

Be Part of the Community #

Gaming can be just as much a social activity as an individual one thanks to all the developments in online technology. As much as you will probably actually play the game on your own, you still need to be immersing yourself in the community that surrounds your chosen game.

By becoming part of the scene of a game, you can really get to understand how to play more effectively and recognize the gamers who are already making names for themselves. By joining the community you will also add another level of commitment to what you should hope will be a major part of your future life.

Get the Gear #

Obviously, this tip for going pro in the gaming world will depend a lot on your budget and financial situation. But to be the best, you will need to get some of the best gear. By all means, take things slowly, but you should look to improve your gaming set-up the further along the path to professionalism you go.

This is another area where spending time within the online community of a game can really pay off. Use forums and message boards to discover the best gear for your game and where to get a good deal. Once you start winning tournaments, you will then be able to trade up again.

Practice, Practice, Practice #

We’ve left this incredibly important tip until now, but there is no doubt that if you want to achieve anything in the esports and competitive gaming world, you will need to practice – a lot. There is simply no alternative to putting in the hours if you want to be the best.

Practice can also include taking time out to watch videos and live streams of other top players to pick up tips. Pro gaming is not just about how good you are, but also about being able to strategize for specific game situations. “Practice makes perfect” is the old saying, and we wholeheartedly agree.

Compete #

Once you start getting good enough to even contemplate a future as a competitive gamer you should be looking at testing yourself at the highest levels possible. But don’t be disheartened if your first events and tournaments don’t bring the results and prizes you dream of.

Becoming a pro gamer is a long process and you will need to take the knocks at the beginning to get better. Once you reach that level, you should also think about joining a team, no matter what title you play. Not only will this help with your gameplay, but it is also a ready-made support system to help you through the lows.

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Look After Yourself #

The stereotypical idea of a gamer is that of a teenager spending hours in the dark, eating poor-quality food, and generally being very unhealthy. Obviously, that way of thinking is usually well off the mark but all pro gamers need to look after themselves away from the gaming console or PC.

That means that nutrition, exercise, and looking after your mental wellbeing should be just as important as the practice you are putting in. Gaming can be a very unhealthy pastime but the very best will train just like traditional sports athletes to ensure that they are in the best physical and mental shape for events.

Keep Learning #

Our final piece of advice is one that all athletes – no matter what sport or game they play – would say is crucially important. Hopefully, you will continue to rise through the ranks of your chosen game and become one of the very best. But you should never start thinking that there is no room for improvement.

Just like you should have watched videos of games and gamers when you were starting out, you should continue to stay ahead of the game. You should always be in the position to take more advice to become even better. Never stop learning and keep reaching for the stars.

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